Q: Where can I get product&price information?

A: Send us inquiry e-mail , we will contact you as we receive your mail.

Q: How long can i get the sample?
A: Depends on your specific items,within 3-7 days is required generally.

Q: What shall we do if we do not have drawings?

A: Please send your sample to our factory,then we can copy or provide you better solutions.

Please send us pictures or drafts with dimensions(Length,Hight,Width),CAD or 3D file will be made for you if placed order.

Q: Can we get some samples before mass production?
A: Absolutely

Q: Will my drawings be safe after sending to you?
A: Yes, we will keep them well and not release to third party without your permission.

Q: Is it possible to know how are my products going on without visiting your company?
A: We will offer a detailed production schedule and send weekly reports with digital pictures and videos which show the machining progress.

Q: If you make poor quality goods,will you refund our fund?
A: We make products according to drawings or samples strictly until them reach your 100% satisfaction.

And actually we wont take a chance to do poor quality products.We are proud of keeping the spirit of good quality.

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